Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Facebook caught, A dire prediction about AI, Saudi Arabians will soon be going to the movies, Google employees don't want to help the Pentagon, Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction of justice

I stopped by the Axios website tonight. The first story I read was about Zuckerberg telling us he is going to take care of the Facebook problems. Of course, the article never mentions how Facebook willingly shared users data with the Obama campaign! Then it was just brilliant!
Read more here.

The next story was a dire prediction of how AI is going to cause a coming automation apocalypse. Steve LeVine reports,
Their big picture: There may be a long, deep economic disruption lasting decades and taking millions of jobs. The economy will eventually come out of it. But wages for most jobs may be too low to sustain a middle-class lifestyle.
Read more here.

Another story was about
The Financial Times reports that AMC has signed a deal with Saudi Arabia to bring movie theaters to the kingdom for the first time since a cinema ban was applied 35 years ago. Per the FT, the plan is to open "30-40 cinemas in approximately 15 cities in Saudi Arabia over the next five years," and have 50-100 theaters open by 2030 in around 25 cities.
Should we tell them they haven't missed much?
Read more here.

Scott Rosenberg tells us that thousands of Google employees have signed a
Thousands of Google employees, including senior engineers, have signed a letter protesting the company's participation in a Pentagon AI project that could sharpen drone targeting, The New York Times reports.

The letter, sent to CEO Sundar Pichai, says Google "should not be in the business of war" and should pull out of the program, Project Maven, which uses artificial intelligence to improve visual recognition.
Read more here.

Stef Kight reports,
H-1B high skilled visas — the most popular U.S. temporary work visa — are often associated with high-level jobs in Silicon Valley tech companies. But College Station, Texas has the highest number of H-1B visa approvals per 100 workers over the past few years, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center of data obtained through the Freedom of Information Act.
Read more here, including an interesting graph.

Khorri Atkinson reports that Mueller is investigating Trump for possible obstruction of justice.
Read more here.

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