Guest post by Suzann Darnall
Good luck. Bad luck. Blessings. Curses. Superstition. Reality. Sometimes it is all a matter of perspective.
I grew up as an Air Force brat. Military paydays were on the 15th of the month and the last day of the month. If the 15th or last day fell on the weekend or a holiday, payday moved to the preceding Friday. Which meant that Friday the 13th was ALWAYS payday! WooHoo!!! Two days early! How could that ever be a bad thing?
Due to this, it was not until I was in Junior High or High School that I understood about the whole superstitions of Friday the 13th being bad luck. Not that I felt it was bad luck, but I finally realized that this was a long-term belief held by some people. For me, Friday the 13th was still good luck and an early payday. It continued to be so until my husband retired from the military when I was 40 years old.
Now, in his retirement and second career, we do not get paid mid-month, so Friday the 13th doesn’t come with that particular bonus. But, it does always mean the weekend is arriving and since my husband went from a career in the military to a career in education, weekends are treasured and count as a bonus in life. Making all Fridays, even the 13th, to be good luck!
So, the next time you are worried about Friday the 13th, stop and look at it from a real-life perspective. Do you have a job where Fridays are paydays? Do you have a job that gives you the weekends off? Do you get to spend time with friends and family now that the weekend is arriving? Do you and your spouse have a standing date night on Fridays? I am sure if you look hard enough you will find that there are way more blessings about Friday the 13th than you ever realized. Not ‘cause of any superstitions, but just ‘cause Friday can be a really awesome day for most of us. As can each and every day!!!
Count your blessings. Even if they add up to 13 it is a good thing! But, I am betting they add up to way more than that. And, when you are done counting them, say a prayer of thanks to the Lord. ‘Cause it is He from whom all blessings flow.
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