Tuesday, February 07, 2017

"the greatest single political maneuver in the history of modern politics!"

Sundance writes at the Conservative Treehouse,
...The current media narrative is about Democrats fighting Trump in order to allow possible terrorists into the country. Wait… huh… what?… YUP, FACT!

Which leads to the greatest single political maneuver in the history of modern politics – President Donald Trump is fully inoculated if any terrorist event takes place in the next few years.

President Trump is on record trying to protect Americans against any attack from extremists; and democrats are on record glaringly opposing his efforts.

Any, repeat A.N.Y, terrorist event that takes place in the U.S. is now owned by Trump’s political opposition. As a direct result, the future of the Democrat party is tenuously perched on their atheist prayer rugs, hopeful nothing happens. I don’t think most people are grasping the scope or value of this dynamic.

You can be guaranteed every radical politician on the left-wing of the UniParty is calling every extremist group they associate with, specifically CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, and begging them to ensure nothing happens.
Read more here.

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