Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How the Left manipulates elections

So how is the George Soros funded Left trying to rig the elections? J. Christian Adams tells us at PJ Media.
Below are ten top agenda items of the organized Left to transform American election outcomes by transforming process rules.

You're probably only familiar with one -- the Left's fight against voter identification laws. But the Left’s agenda goes far beyond opposition to voter ID.

For example, tens of thousands of aliens are on American voter rolls, if not more. And they're voting. The Soros-funded Left opposes efforts to find and remove aliens on the rolls, because the aliens are voting the way they want.

Voter ID is only one component of election integrity. You need to know about the Left's expansive agenda to permanently transform the American election process.

1. Block Citizenship Verification

2. Early Voting

3. Out of Precinct Voting

4. Felon re-enfranchisement
Ex-cons vote for Democrats at astounding rates, approaching 9 to 1. Multiple presidential elections would have likely come out differently had felons enjoyed the right to vote. Felon voting advocates want Democrats to win elections, period.

5. Mandatory Voter Registration
Of course, voter registration plays an important role. It allows election officials to verify the identity of registrants, to place them in the correct precincts, and to ensure that duplicate registrations don’t exist.

These concerns, however, are considered nuisances to mandatory voting advocates.

6. Dirty Voter Rolls
Leftist groups are opposing efforts to clean voter rolls across the country. Millions of phony and obsolete registrations infect the rolls.

These groups have sued the Ohio secretary of State, and have interfered in other attempts to keep the rolls clean. They say their aim is to prevent a valid voter from being removed improperly -- but they can’t even find a single voter who was removed contrary to law.

7. Foreign Language Ballots

8. Same Day Registration

Same day registration is a law that allows you to walk into a polling place for the first time, register to vote, and cast a regular ballot. It is a top agenda item of the institutional Left.

Voter fraud associated with same day registration allowed Senator Al Franken to win in 2008, and also helped President Obama win Ohio in 2008.

9. State Qualification Instructions on Registration Forms

Of course it is a federal felony for an alien to register, and another felony for them to vote. But guess who has to investigate and enforce that law?

James Comey’s FBI, and Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice.

10. National Popular Vote
This change would shift power and GOTV dollars to large urban areas. The Electoral College reflects the fact that the states are independent sovereigns. The Constitution respects the state's power to cast votes for president as a sovereign state, and with it comes the consent of the state to participate in the federal system.

The states control the casting of electoral votes under our Constitution. That’s what the left hates. They prefer large urban areas decide the outcome of presidential elections, areas where an effective two-party system doesn’t exist. When the corruption of Philadelphia and Detroit can directly taint the outcome of national elections instead of being confined to the casting of Pennsylvania’s and Michigan’s electoral votes, the lawless will have triumphed.

If you can't remember the particulars of the list above, the theme can be summed up as follows: more federal power, more centralized control, and less state control.

You’ll notice that opposing voter ID didn’t make the list. While voter ID is important, the institutional Left has bigger fish to fry.

These 10 agenda items move hundreds of thousands of votes, while voter ID would stop a comparative whisper of illegal votes.

The institutional Left understands that controlling the process rules leads to power. The machinery matters more than the policy. So watch for these ten agenda items to be repackaged and forced upon an America that once treasured decentralization of power and the rule of law.
Read more here.

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