I enjoyed it, as I did the other two debates. I would vote for any one of the GOP candidates against any of the Democrat candidates. For what it is worth, here are my opinions of each candidate's performance.
Carly Fiorina was the most articulate, barely edging out Rubio and Cruz for that honor. The funniest moment of the night was when Donald Trump whined, "Why does she get to keep interrupting people?" I don't think Mr. alpha male Trump is accustomed to being interrupted by a woman.
Rand Paul had his best night of the three debates. He comes across as knowledgeable about all the issues, witty, calm and brief.
Marco Rubio has done a good job of casting himself as the candidate for the future of America. He does best, it seems, when responding to an attack from another candidate (Rand Paul).
Ben Carson isn't as well rehearsed on the issues, but people relate to him, as they do to Donald Trump. He seems very thoughtful and willing to think outside the box.
John Kasich got a lot of air time tonight talking about his experience in Congress and as governor of Ohio. He is the least attractive candidate, if you don't count the Donald's hair.
Donald Trump speaks in hyperbole. Like Carson, people relate to him. Most Americans watch t.v., rather than read blogs. They know him (or think they do) from t.v.
Jeb Bush is the most compassionate toward the well-being of the millions of people who have come across our southern border. However, we already had two compassionate conservatives named Bush. Jeb did the best job of contrasting his positions with Hillary Clinton.
Ted Cruz is the principled conservative, along with Rand Paul.
Who won each segment?
Segment one was won by Fiorina, although Bush, Carson, and Rubio also scored points.
Segment two was won by Rubio and Bush, with Carson, Trump and Fiorina also doing well.
Segment three was won by Rand Paul, who had the best line of the night when he pointed out that China was not part of the TPP, after Donald Trump went on and on about China beating us.
Segment four was won by Fiorina, who would rebuild our military right under Putin's nose.
Segment five was won by Ted Cruz, who would stand up to the Wall Street banks, even though his wife was a top executive at Goldman Sachs.
Segment six was won by Rubio, you know, the candidate for our future?
What is your view?
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