Saturday, September 05, 2015

Do women's clothes matter?

Commenter 88 at Chateau Heartiste writes,
i think clothes matter a lot more than we think. it’s not only about the shape of the body. clothes also represent a person’s values and personality.

you see two equally attractive girls, one in sweats or north face/columbia and jeans, flip flops or uggs. compare that to a girl in a dress and heels.

i find the second choice more appealing visually (obviously) but aside from that, she’s giving me an impression of who she is and what she’ll be like down the road. someone who cares about her appearance and enjoys being feminine. that’s who she is. that’s her priority.

the other girl? her priority is being comfortable and fitting in with all of her equally lazy friends. so which girl do think is going to keep up on her appearance and try to please you with feminine lingerie, dresses, heels, makeup, hair, etc.? sure as hell won’t be the sweats girl.

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