Friday, September 11, 2015

Cucking itself

Chateau Heartiste writes today about the Muslim invasion of Europe,
Western Europe is fast on its way to cucking itself to hordes of Muslim “””refugees”””. The median age of the populations of the top four countries sending invading saracens across Europe’s borders is 18-23. The median age of the populations of the top four receiving European countries is 40-46.

Older, White Europeans are literally importing the rebellious, antagonistic, dumb children and young, spiteful, hotheaded men of backward shit countries to fill in for the White European children they aren’t having and for the native manlets who are unwilling to defend their homelands.

On a national scale, it doesn’t get much cuckier than that. European Equalists have decided that their weak native sons and fickle daughters should accommodate millions of AMOGs (Alpha Muslim Other Guys) streaming into their cities and towns, and they should do so with a welcoming smile as their wise leaders morally preen and posture about “European generosity” and “humanistic values”.

If you have any remaining doubt that this is in part a reverse colonization by Islamic fiefdoms taking advantage of a peculiarly evolved NW European disposition for pathological altruism on a global stage to foment a caliphate in the heartland of White Europe, note that Saudi Arabia has generously offered to build 200 mosques in Germany to welcome muhammed’s pilgrims the refugees.

The Arab sheiks must be laughing their fat, oil-fed asses off at what saps Europeans have become.

Bottom line: The refugees are not Europe’s moral crisis. They are the responsibility of those countries from which the migrants hail. The blame for every drowned Syrian child rests with their families who pushed them onto colonizing dinghies and with the abattoirs that multiply in the Muslim lands. It is Europe’s job to protect her own people against preventable miseries, such as, oh, the invasion of millions of home wreckers whose genetic and cultural heritage will always be at odds with the traditions and customs of native Europeans… until that time when the invaders have achieved numerical superiority and the natives have descended to complete dissolute abjection.

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