Sunday, March 09, 2014

Universities: not places that value the free expression of dissenting views

I can't find a video of it yet, but Juan Williams came on Hannity recently to talk about the "blind hatred of liberals toward conservative blacks." Shamefully, Rutgers University's
faculty council determined that she wasn’t qualified to give the commencement address to the university’s graduating seniors and receive an honorary degree.

Bradford Thomas writes,
Williams highlights the absurdity of the council’s ruling that she lacks the “moral authority” and does not meet their definition of “exemplary citizenship,” citing her remarkable achievements—not least of which is being the first African American woman to hold the posts of National Security Adviser and Secretary of State.

As Williams points out, though Rice holds a PhD in political science, taught college for decades, was Provost of Stanford University, and exemplifies what the left supposedly champions—a minority working her way up to one of the highest offices in the country—“according to the Rutgers faculty council, all of that is negated by her service in President George W. Bush’s administration.”

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