Monday, January 06, 2014

This is the way it is! No, maybe not!

Victor Davis Hanson says 2013 was the Year of the Dud.

The more the Obama administration wanted a landscape of alternative energy, the more it seemed traditional oil and natural gas gushed out of American soil.

Obamacare may take its place among Sasquatch, crop circles and the Loch Ness monster as one of the great hoaxes of all time.

The Grievance Industry Fizzled: Duck Dynasty

Obama's ratings are the lowest since Richard Nixon's at the same point in his presidency.

The false red lines in Syria

The need for tough and suddenly not-so-tough sanctions against Iran.

The ongoing vows to find the allegedly video-inspired killers of Americans in Benghazi.

The good and then bad Muslim Brotherhood, and the good and then bad junta that followed.

The once-”outrageous” IRS scandal now dismissed as a mere hyped media melodrama.

The doctors and health plans you can keep — period!

The serial summers of recovery.

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