Sunday, January 05, 2014

Is it still okay for women to love selflessly?

Dalrock writes,
A woman who is even suspected of serving others is urgently prescribed a treatment of “pampering themselves” to reorient their frame of mind back to selfishness. Selfishness in fact has been elevated into the primary female virtue, replacing God as the female moral compass.

But, he concludes,
Clearly women can love selflessly, as witnessed by our modern paranoia that they might actually do so.


vw bug said...

being a woman... I do love and protect those I love. And give more than seems possible. But even I need to be pampered and cared for... I can't give without receiving at some point. It makes for a huge unbalance that ends in a bad way. I know. But what I need in return isn't getting my nails done... but hugs and love from those I have been loving. Though a quiet moment with tea and book really seems to help to. ;-)

Bob's Blog said...

vw bug,
Thank you so much for this thoughtful comment. I know you do love and protect those you love. Thank you for all you do.