Sunday, January 12, 2014

Criminalizing children's imagination and childhood play

An Oklahoma legislator says, "We need to stop criminalizing children’s imagination and childhood play,” Under Rep. Sally Kern's bill,
students couldn’t be punished for possessing small toy weapons or using writing utensils, fingers or their hands to simulate a weapon. Students also couldn’t be punished for drawing pictures of weapons or wearing clothes that “support or advance Second Amendment rights or organizations.”
the bill has been dubbed the Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act.

Jim Treacher writes in The Daily Caller,
Telling kids that Americans have the right to speak freely and bear arms? Refusing to punish them for using their imaginations improperly? This is just crazy teabagger talk. How are be supposed to bring about Utopia if people are allowed to think in unapproved ways?

As I write this, New York is being leveled to the ground in World War III in the video game my sons are thoroughly enjoying.

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