Friday, November 15, 2013

Buyers' remorse?

Are Obama voters finally having buyers' remorse? Jeannie DeAngelis writes,

At first, the noose Obama purposely placed loosely around America’s neck was barely noticeable, but as days turned into weeks and weeks into months and months into years, that liberal lasso has incrementally garroted America’s corporate neck. Now, the beast of burden that Obama captured with the intent to do his socialist bidding is beginning to struggle against the yoke being placed by someone who falsely perceives himself to be the all-knowing, all-powerful Master.

And while this time around no one has picked up muskets or stormed the Barack Bastille, what is happening is that on everything from guns to registering for Obamacare, people are registering their resistance by staunchly refusing to comply with the directive coming down from the head of the collective.

The jobless rate is now the worst it’s been in thirty-five years, which is one reason Barack Obama is now enjoying only a 39% approval rating. That, along with the unremitting anti-Second Amendment rhetoric and the insistent “share the wealth” cheerleading, is now being reflected in data which shows that Americans are thirty-four times more likely to purchase a gun than to sign up for Obamacare.

This curious 30-ish up for us and down for him trend indicates that without an out-and-out insurrection taking place, by simply refusing to conform, the American people stand poised to win the war for autonomy that Barack Obama started.

Increasingly, Obama is unable to force a free people to bend to his will, and he’s about to find out from polite, passively-resistant Americans what the definition of “Hope and Change” really is. With our arms crossed and our lips pursed tightly like children refusing a mouthful of peas, it looks like Democrats and Republicans alike are done swallowing what Barack Obama is dishing out.

Ultimately, the message America is conveying to the person who thinks he’s in charge is that where “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” reign, it’s not him, but “we the people” who will determine our destiny.

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