Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The new coordinated talking points of the left

Nice Deb believes she has spotted a trend. When conservatives advocate for the rights of the baby in the womb, the left quickly trots out anti-Christian comparisons with Taliban or al Qaeda savages. This may be the new coordinated talking points of the left, as "raaacist" has been.

Update: Stacy McCain writes,

Through the intellectual influence of the Frankfurt School’s cultural Marxism (Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, et al.) this attitude has been steadily woven into the ideological tapestry of the Democrat Party over the past half-century. The hegemonic dominance of liberalism within academia, journalism and the entertainment industry means that this radicalism — the embrace of perverse licentiousness and an implacable hostility to Christian faith — has been so widely diffused throughout our society that many Americans no longer even notice it, let alone question its original motives and purpose.

No one under 40 has any memory of when the Democrat Party did not stand for abortion, sodomy and socialism (not necessarily in that order) and the advance of political correctness within our educational system has deprived the young of the historical knowledge by which they might understand or critique modern liberalism. It is therefore remarkable — although seldom remarked — that mere opposition to the Democrat Party agenda is now classified as “hate,” as if buttf–king and baby-killing were synonymous with love.

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