Monday, July 01, 2013

Be warned about wasting your life!

Davis M.J. Aurini has been thinking about men and women.

What is the ideal man? It is a man who is pursuing a dream of achievement. He goes out to achieve this bit by bit by bit. He has a dream and a goal and a plan, and he gets there.

The ideal for a woman is to find that man, love him, and support him as he tries to reach his goals. She is that partner, that nurturer.

They become a team that goes out and accomplishes something.

When does masculinity go wrong? Instead of going out to achieve his dream, he settles for achieving a bunch of numbers on a computer screen. Instead of achieving something great, he obsesses about having the biggest house or the coolest car or the highest numbers on the video game.

When a woman goes wrong it is because she has been persuaded that the ideal written about above is the worst thing she can possibly do. But she still has that desire for that absolute commitment to support the teamwork.

What has evolved is the corporate boyfriend. She has been told that the career is the ultimate goal; to be an independent woman, not reliant on a man.

Corporations realized that they could get the same love and devotion out of a woman that a woman used to give a man. She gets to be part of this bigger thing, led by the alpha male who is the company's CEO. She gets to feel special, feel appreciated.

The woman gives her corporate boyfriend all of her devotion, to the expense of her personal life. She gets money, but that doesn't help her find the man, like it helps a man find the woman. She devotes herself to the corporate boyfriend for about twenty years, and then she starts to realize how lonely she is. She is left with so few real relationships, real friendships, real love.

Are you going to be the man at age 35 who realizes that he has wasted his life collecting toys and playing video games and pursuing a false sense of accomplishment?

Are you going to be the woman who pursues a false sense of emotional intimacy in devotion to a corporate boyfriend?

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