Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ten psychological hurdles to overcome before you can lose unneeded weight

I have happily lost some weight over the last year. For the first time in years I no longer have a belly extending outward over my belt. How have I done it? Mainly by what I have, and have not, eaten. I eat meat, veggies, and fruit every day, and not much of anything else. I stay very active physically.

Mark Sisson has written a post today on ten psychological reasons you may not be losing unneeded weight. He goes into detail on each point, but I will just post his skeletal outline here.

You’ve Developed Poor Habits

You’re Afraid of Being a Social Pariah

You Still Fear Fat

You Eat for Comfort

You’re Stuck on What Worked at First Even Though It’s Not Working Anymore

You Think “Why Even Bother?”

You’re Embarrassed to Go to the Gym

You Think in Black and White/All or Nothing

You’re Depressed

You’re Constantly Comparing Yourself to Others

Read more:

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