Sunday, April 07, 2013

A tough choice

From the

If the latest news out of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in San Francisco is accurate, those who both worry about the dangers of man-made climate change and support the legalization of marijuana are going to have to make a tough choice.

According to a report by Evan Mills, an energy analyst at the lab, the growing of marijuana indoors uses 1 percent of the U.S. electricity supply and creates 17 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. That’s not including the carbon dioxide produced by exhaling pot smoke.

This [usage] corresponds to the electricity use of 1 million average California homes, greenhouse-gas emissions equal to those from 1 million average cars, and energy expenditures of $3 billion a year… From the perspective of individual consumers, a single cannabis cigarette represents 2 pounds of (carbon dioxide) emissions.

Read more here:

hat tip Gerard Vanderleun

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