Ravnwood brings to our attention a rare story about one of our troops in Iraq. I do not think this is a rare example of what the soldiers are doing, but I do think it is rare for the media to bring stories like this to our attention.
The little Iraqi girl in the picture has been shot in the head by the terrorists in Iraq. Her parents have been murdered by the same scum. She cries and moans a lot in the hospital, and the only one who can comfort her is United States Air Force Chief Master Sargeant John Gebhardt. They have been sleeping together in this hospital chair for the last several nights.
hat tip Varifrank
Is there a way to write or send blankets or phone cards to this warm, loving and caring Sargent? this is the most sweetest picture in the world!!!!
God Bless You Sargent and the little girl!!!!!
Great idea! Air Force Sgt. John Gebhardt is with the 332nd Expeditionary Medical Group in Balad, Iraq.
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