There are a couple of parenting items in the news today. I just heard Sean Hannity discussing one of them. Apparently in California some politician wants to criminalize parents who spank children. Some little children need to be spanked, and some do not. Child protection agencies in urban areas get hundreds of child abuse calls weekly, many of them very serious cases of abuse or neglect. Do you really think we need to add spanking to that mix? I do not.
Betsy Hart has a column today about parents posting job charts for kids. We have designated chores for all of our kids, and the system works pretty well to give them an understanding that everyone needs to contribute. We do have to change the jobs every so often to make sure that everyone is carrying their share of the family responsibilities. Believe it or not, some children just want to do the least amount they can get by with! Read Betsy's whole column here.
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