Victor Davis Hanson writes,
Think about it: For about five years, anything candidate, president-elect, and President Trump said or did, the media, the Left, and progressive popular culture opposed in Pavlovian fashion.
We are now in a surreal relationship with Russia. Vladimir Putin is capable of anything and everything, especially when appeased as the Obama Administration’s 2009-2015 “reset” policy demonstrated. But we know now that he and Donald Trump did not conspire or “collude” to rig the 2016 election, despite the false assertions of the charlatan Christopher Steele, the media, the FBI hierarchy, John Brennan’s CIA, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and multiple top officials in the Obama Justice and State Departments.
The result was that the Left talked loudly and insanely about Russian “collusion” while carrying a tiny twig. The most dangerous formula in foreign policy is to aggravate, goad, and incite a volatile enemy (with 7,000 nuclear weapons), with no intention of keeping him cornered and caged. Before Trump, we had the Obama reset appeasement of Putin. After Trump, we do again. In both cases, we also get the obligatory anti-Russian rhetoric in a way not accorded to the more dangerous Chinese Communist government.
Now emboldened hackers, with likely Russian connections, are targeting key U.S. and North American industries, specifically pipelines and meatpacking.
The hackers are diabolically clever and do some of their damage on the following assumptions: 1) an American-obsessed Putin is providing them sanctuary, and in return, they are according him with “deniability of culpability” as fake-independent contractors; 2) both bad actors believe that the Biden Administration, with its carry-over Obama people, will talk trash but in reality either pay ransom to stop the hacking, ignore it, or claim it is a “private industry” matter; and 3) the hackers assume that, secretly, the American Left sympathizes with the hackers’ cynically selected targeting of “fossil fuels” and “environmentally incorrect” meat consumption.
It is almost as if the hackers are saying to Americans, as they cause continental damage and disruption and endanger lives, “What do you care, since your government canceled your own pipelines and is demanding less meat consumption? So why get mad at us for speeding up the implementation of your own agendas?”
If, as some 15th-century Spanish Inquisitor, you damn Trump as a Russian collaborator on no evidence, devour nearly two years of his administration in collusion conspiracies and impeachment, and ignore the fact that Trump had been harder on Russia than any prior president (e.g., more sanctions on the Putin apparat, sales of lethal weaponry to the Ukrainians, efforts to depress oil prices by massive new fracking, pulling out of asymmetrical missile treaties, killing Russian mercenaries in Syria, etc.), then you have destroyed any workable relationship with Russia, pushed it into a de facto alliance with China, and ended up with the sort of dangerous hacking attacks that we now endure and apparently will not or cannot prevent.
The lethal examples of the wages of irrational and deranged Trump hatred are nearly countless. A once calm Trump border is now the scene of utter chaos, misery—and death—as the erstwhile advocates of immigrant children abruptly grow mute. A once calm Middle East and the successful Abraham Accords disappeared and were supplanted by mayhem, death, and destruction. A once-booming energy sector and inexpensive fuels are now mired amid spiking prices at the pump, an end to new federal gas and oil leases on federal lands, the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve put off-limits, and pipeline projects canceled.
Irrationally hating everything Donald Trump touched was not just pathological, it often became downright scary—and deadly—for Americans.
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