Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The world according to Michelle Obama

In the American Spectator, Dov Fischer tells us what he watched this week as the Democratic National Convention unfolded. Here is what he said about Michelle Obama's speech.
...She tells us that she “must be as honest and clear as she possibly can.” She — the wife of Obama — tells us that Donald Trump is “in over his head.” We saw what her husband did to stagnate the American economy for eight years, how Putin took the Crimea and marched into Eastern Ukraine on Obama’s watch, how ISIS metastasized from a “J.V.” team to a terror caliphate, how Obama signed a “climate accord” that imposed devastating restrictions on the American economy while allowing polluters like India and China free reign. We saw what Obama did with Iran, secretly flying $400 million blackmail in cash to Iran. We saw “Fast and Furious,” Lois Lerner, and now are learning more daily about how the Obama government spied on the incoming Trump administration and used the FBI to spy and perjure themselves to the FISA court. All while the economy stagnated for eight years, even though it had nowhere to go but up.

And yet she tells us that Donald Trump, who immediately boomed the economy, brought record unemployment lows, recently helped broker the first peace agreement between Israel and an Arab country in more than 25 years, stopped Putin’s expansions, eradicated ISIS, eliminated the whimpering mass-rapist Abu Bakhr al Baghdadi who “died like a dog,” vaporized Iranian terror mastermind Qassim Soleimani days after his people threatened the American embassy in Iraq, got NATO skinflints and tightwads to cough up their fair share of the cost to defend them, implemented major tax reform, deregulated the economy, transmogrified America from needing to import oil from Arab dictatorships to becoming a net energy exporter — that he is “in over his head.” Well, this much is true: Michelle indeed was being as honest and and clear “as she possibly can.” Her honesty cannot transcend her limits. Another example of post-modern “mindfulness” where each “progressive” steps forward to relate “My truth.” Or as Biden might say: “My Truth over facts.”
Read more here.

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