Monday, August 03, 2020

More tweets and quotes

Matt Walsh tweeted,
George Floyd had a significant dose of fentanyl in his system, a drug 50 times more powerful than morphine and which is known to cause respiratory distress. He combined it with meth and marijuana. It just strains credulity to claim that this played no role in his death whatsoever

Ashley StClaire tweeted,
What the George Floyd officer body cam footage reveals:

Floyd says he’s having issues breathing while sitting in the cop car w/ nobody touching him

Cops offered to roll down windows & turn AC on for him

He repeatedly yells “I wanna lay on the ground” instead of sitting in car

Tucker Carlson said,
"Oh, we just have to do it. Really? Fauci is 79 but maybe if he had like 22-year-old kids who were trying to make their way in this world in an economy that is headed down the tubes, thanks largely to his recommendations, he would feel differently. It’s not merely an inconvenience when your economy collapses. It’s the end of the American Dream. That’s not a small thing. Maybe it’s worth it. Maybe it’s not but if it is, then you probably shouldn’t take a pass on the question 'Are protests and riots okay?' unless you're a total fraud, a complete fraud.'"

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