Monday, July 13, 2020

What you can and cannot order on your NBA tee shirt

In the Federalist, Jonah Gottschalk
...As first pointed out by Twitter users, the NBA store is blocking any fans from making jerseys with popular protester slogan “FreeHongKong.” This happens despite the site allowing numerous antisemitic and anti-police slogans. Right now, you can make a custom NBA jersey with “KillCops,””‘F-ck Police,” and “Burn Jews” among many other objectionable phrases. It appears that supporting a pro-democracy movement, however, is too extreme.

...“Free Hong Kong” is a longtime popular slogan among protesters. It has been used since Xi Jinping began his push to absorb the formerly autonomous city into his authoritarian state under the guise of a new “security” law.
Read more here.

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