Thursday, April 02, 2020

Should Trump and Biden have a video phone conversation?

Ace writes in part,
The media has pushed Trump to accept a phone call from Joe Biden, so that Trump may have the benefit of the Sage of Scranton's expertise in epidemiology.

I say: Okay, but require Biden (and Trump) to make the phone call a video phone call.

Why? Because otherwise Joe Biden is going to have gotcha questions fed to him by aides.

Sure Trump can take Biden's call -- as long as it's actually Biden talking, not just repeating attack lines fed to this senile old rapist by his handlers.

Let's see how Joey Fingers' mental acuity holds up on a high-stakes phone call with someone who isn't actively trying to protect and help him, as his media shills are.

And let's actually see it. Let's see this senile, demented old rapist react in real time and offer his own advice.
Read more here.

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