Monday, June 17, 2019

"One set of rules for them, another for us peasants."

In Town Hall, Kurt Schlichter writes,
...To the extent our modern elite had retained any residual credibility from back in the distant past when our elite wasn’t totally corrupt and incompetent, that goodwill has been squandered in the wake of its war to crush Trump, which is actually a war to crush us and restore the elite’s unchallenged power.

And it’s not just the hypocrisy related to the cheesy coup against Trump. The climate change cult is all liberal taqiya all the time. We see Al Gore telling us we’re doomed by global warming in five years, no, ten years, no, it’s…a hundred…yeah, a hundred years, and then he sells out to Arab oil sheiks and buys a mansion that uses as much power as North Dakota. We see movie stars fly in on private jets to hector us about our BBQ grills. We see A O C- hop in an SUV because, well, her getting a comfy lift around town is important but you being able to cart your kids around to soccer isn’t. One set of rules for them, another for us peasants.
Read more here.

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