Sunday, April 07, 2019

Why are young people looking favorably upon Socialism?

No doubt you have seen the articles asserting that the younger generation looks favorably upon Socialism. Neoneocon takes a look at the phenomenon.
...I’m not at all sure those polls are accurate, but I am pretty sure that young people are far more inclined to favor socialism than older people are. Yes, there’s a desire to belong—what I’ve called the “circle dance” (after Kundera). But there’s also a profound ignorance of history and economics, as well as a concerted drive in education to teach young people that the US and the Western world are evil, wrong, and bad, and that they are guilty as participants of the culture to which they belong. This almost certainly plays a role in feelings of gloom, as well as looking to something like socialism for a way to overcome that guilt and make amends.
Read more here.

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