Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Why is the Patriot's owner so loyal to Donald Trump?

Cork Gaines writes in Business Insider,
Kraft opened up about his loyalty in an interview with the New York Daily News. Kraft brought up the time his wife died and how Trump was one of the few people who were truly there for him, a time that seemingly cemented Kraft's loyalty to their friendship.

"When Myra died, Melania and Donald came up to the funeral in our synagogue, then they came for memorial week to visit with me," Kraft told the Daily News. "Then he called me once a week for the whole year, the most depressing year of my life when I was down and out. He called me every week to see how I was doing, invited me to things, tried to lift my spirits. He was one of five or six people that were like that. I remember that."
Read more here.

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