Thursday, September 13, 2018

When the Democratic Socialists get a majority in both Houses of Congress

Satirical blogger Manhattan Infidel writes about life after the Democratic Socialists of America take over both Houses of Congress this fall.
With the Democratic Socialist Party of America having a majority in both houses of Congress, Americans are bracing for record-breaking food shortages during the winter.

“People have to ask themselves how important it is to eat every day” said Nancy Pelosi (Democratic Socialist-CA), the Speaker of the House.

Who wants to eat every day? Selfish people. That’s who. People who only think about their own bellies. What Americans have to understand is that we are a more compassionate people now. Sure the shelves in the supermarkets are empty. But that is only because once we nationalized the trucking industry the selfish truckers refused to deliver food at their new government-approved salary. That is why we had them all shot. But once we import more Hispanics from Central America to be our truckers, and believe me Hispanics know a thing or two about driving fast, the food will be delivered again. Ask any American. They approve of socialism.

Indeed an independent and fair survey from the Socialist New York Times (all the news that’s fit to redistribute) shows that 93 percent of Americans approve of socialism and welcome food shortages. The other seven percent who oppose socialism were not available having been shot.
Read more here to get a better idea of what life will be like.

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