Thursday, July 05, 2018

Kimberley and Donald Jr.

Ann Althouse wrote that she had a negative reaction to a story in The Daily Mail about Kimberley Guilfoyle dating Donald Trump Jr. Why? Because his divorce is not final after being separated from wife Vanessa in March? A commenter at the Althouse blog named Rehajm wrote,
They’re both high profile. There’s no discretion. NYTWaPo will out them and then it looks like they are sneaking around and looking guilty. Out and proud is the best option.

Another commenter says If he is the dumpee ok to date quickly. I find it funny that Guilfoyle is 49, Jr is 40 and step-mom Melania is 48.

Another commenter says
Maybe she is getting a bit of revenge for Gavin Newsome fooling around on her.

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