Monday, January 15, 2018

The "Yes" default for premarital sex

Heather Mac Donald writes in City Journal,
No cultural taboos remain around premarital sex; those represented a repressive version of female sexuality, declared the liberationists.

...Western culture is in fact the least patriarchal society in human history; rather than being forced to veil, females can parade themselves in as scantily clad a manner as they choose; pop culture stars flaunt their promiscuity. There is not a single mainstream institution that is not trying to hire and promote as many females as possible. And yet females are apparently still so beaten down by sexism that the Times’s gender editor Bennett asks rhetorically if females should even be deemed able to consent to sex, since “cultural expectations” make it awkward to say no. How long will it be before feminists demand the return of chaperones?
Read more here.

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