Saturday, January 06, 2018

"The naive architects of appeasement who watch as monsters grow always win short-term praise for avoiding immediate war. Their realist successors, who are forced to cage or destroy such full-grown beasts, are usually labeled as war mongers."

Victor Davis Hanson writes at Town Hall,
The beefed-up United Nations sanctions by midyear could lead to widespread North Korean hunger, as well as the virtual end of the country's industry and transportation.

...China has always been unwilling to give up pit bull North Korea as its client. The Kim dynasty has proved especially useful over the past 30 years for aggravating and distracting the Chinese communist government's archenemy, Japan, and its chief rival, the United States.

Yet China is now worried that the Donald Trump administration is as unfathomable as the prior Obama administration's strategic patience doctrine was predictable.

...The status quo -- North Korean missiles pointed at America's West Coast -- is clearly untenable. Yet never underestimate China's faith in the therapeutic forces of Western appeasement to accept the unacceptable.

The U.S. should sponsor a Manhattan Project-style regional comprehensive missile defense system.

One thing is always certain. The naive architects of appeasement who watch as monsters grow always win short-term praise for avoiding immediate war. Their realist successors, who are forced to cage or destroy such full-grown beasts, are usually labeled as war mongers.
Read more here.

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