Just after the 23-minute mark in this video, Jesse Watters has Sara Carter and Dan Bongino on his program to discuss the dossier, FBI corruption, and deep state spying on the Trump transition team. Over at The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance has this to say about the interview.
Dan Bongino does a great job in this interview. Sara Carter plays the role of controlled opposition. Carter shiftily helps Hillary Clinton deal with her “Dossier Problem“.Read more here.
Unfortunately, but not unpredictably, Sara Carter begins deploying deep state ‘countermeasures’ from her ‘sources’ that are telling her Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele and Hillary Clinton was hoodwinked by a comprehensive Russian disinformation campaign; carried out by professional Russian intelligence agents; who duped the Clinton Campaign into THINKING Trump was a proxy political agent of Russia.
Ergo,… the ever patriotic Clinton campaign had no other option, except to do their civic duty, and inform the FBI of the Russian claims… and that led to the entire FBI operation investigating candidate Donald Trump. Thankfully, Donald Trump wasn’t a Russian spy.
Well, there’s the trial balloon narrative from those at risk within the Deep State Clinton group, and there’s Sara Carter testing it out for them:
...Lisa Page and Peter Strzok were not only willing to manipulate their official investigative duty to the benefit of Hillary Clinton, but they were also willing to leak information to the media in an effort to shape the narrative around their investigative duties.
Given the revelation(s) within the text messaging today, and the evidence therein that proves the politicization of their offices, it is highly likely *NOW* they will plead the fifth and refuse to answer questions.
Which immediately makes me wonder about the motive behind whomever gave that text messaging information to John Solomon and @SaraCarterDC.
Were those specific text messages, which clearly prove Lisa Page was leaking to the media, INTENTIONALLY given to Solomon and @SaraCarterDC because someone on "The Hill" was trying to warn Page about known evidence against her?
I don't expect that @SaraCarterDC would reveal her sourcing on this. However, I would WARN HER, *strongly* that there's a serious possibility she is being used by her SOURCE to dilute damage against the "small group" co-conspirators.
Those who have followed CTH closely will note my historic suspicions toward a strong likelihood that @seanhannity 's favorite journalists are being handled by DC control agents who know how manipulate media people.
The alternative possibility, willing participation, is more troubling... I'll need further information before discussing that.
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