Good morning kids. Monday, and as we begin the week the lead story is the absolute phony shit show of this Mueller "investigation." It is nothing more and nothing less than the attempt to utilize the instrumentalities of government to nullify an election and essentially overthrow a duly elected president and by extension the will of a clear majority of American citizens who voted for him and his agenda. In a sane world, the execrable Brian Ross would have been fired, but then again, the media feted Dan Rather for fabricating the TANG story in 2004. Jeez, even Marie Harf-Harf-Harf says Ross has been a fabulist for years. The great Daniel Greenfield speaks the plain truth that we all have been yelling since AG Snoozy McSnoozerson recused himself and allowed this mockery to take place: FIRE MUELLER NOW.
I get it; the President allowed this to go forward so as not to give the appearance that he was covering something up. Indeed, as this process dragged on, the only thing that was revealed was that Hillary, Obama and all their acolytes are the ones that need to be imprisoned for grand larceny and perhaps treasonous acts that in their totality stagger the imagination.
But as we have seen from last week's other travesty coming from California with the Kate Steinle decision, the nation, or at least very powerful of elements of it - from bureaucracies to entire states - are in open revolt. Something has to give.
Meanwhile, the tax bill has cleared the senate and Mick Mulvaney has indicated that the administration is okay with a 20% corporate tax rate. Look, is this thing perfect? Hell no; perhaps there are elements in it that are in the "two steps back" category. But there are good things in it and considering the economy has roared back since January 20th almost entirely on the presence of PDT in the Oval Office, the good elements could really ignite an economic boom we haven't seen in decades, perhaps ever. Now for the reconciliation with the House bill (sausage-making time, sadly). I hope they do put the Obamacare Mandate Repeal into it. After all, it is a tax, right Chief Justice Roberts?
From hither and yon, Groperdammerung's latest victim is, appropriately enough, the conductor of the Metropolitan Opera, James Levine. Evidently he had a predilection for showing his baton to young boys back in the 80s and so he has been suspended. Fat bastard should be suspended from a meat hook for taking the opera and Philharmonic to North Korea as a show of good will. Stooge. Perv. Momzer.
As Roy Moore pulls away in Alabama, the Soros sabotage squads are desperately signing up ex-cons to try and swindle the election. And suddenly, after claiming that voter fraud is a right wing myth to nullify elections, the left is claiming massive voter fraud in Alabama is going to occur. Tiresome.
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