Friday, December 22, 2017

Despicable traitor?

Before introducing today's links J.J. Sefton writes at Ace of Spades,
the growing revelations about how ex-president Obama in essence colluded with Hezbollah by quashing an investigation into the terrorist organization's American drug-running operations here in the US in order to curry favor with their overlords in Tehran to ensure passage of the hideous nuke sellout deal. There are several links that are directly related and one which, when viewed through the lens of this scandal (which is an understatement, really) brings a much more frightening picture of who this man was and frankly, considering the Deep State attempted coup still in progress, still is.

Of course, sure as night follows day, the media propagandists and flacks are jumping out ahead of this erupting story in order to try and deflect, obfuscate and minimize the ramifications of the facts as well as cast aspersions and impugn the forthrightness of the investigators trying to expose this. Also, considering what we know about Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Hillary Clinton vis a vis the e-mail coverup, the Hezbollah collusion takes on an entirely new and frightening meaning.

Step back a bit further now, and add this to everything we have seen and witnessed during the 8-year Reign of Error. Beyond subverting the rule of law and the Constitution, and weaponizing the instrumentalities of the Federal government to persecute his political opponents, if the facts of this Hezbollah scandal are confirmed, it will prove beyond all doubt that he parlayed and colluded with one of the world's most dangerous terrorist groups - a sworn enemy of this nation and one with the blood of Americans and others on its hands - for his own political gain and worse, by extension considering the nature of the players and what they were engaged in, to cause direct harm to the citizenry of the United States on our own soil. Given all of this, it would not be hyperbolic on my part to declare right here that Barack Obama is a straight-up traitor to this nation; most definitely in the moral sense and quite possibly in the legal sense of that word. Despicable.
Sefton then gives us links to five stories about this scandal.

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