Friday, September 08, 2017

Hurricane Irma, Hillary's book launch, 3 political parties

Mark Steyn sits in for Hurricane Irma victim Rush Limbaugh today. Governor Scott is now saying the entire population of the state should be prepared to evacuate! That is 20 million people!

Mark says President Trump and Speaker Ryan had dinner together last night. It went so well they have scheduled another three years from now!

We know about Category 5 hurricanes. What's the definition of a Category 6 hurricane? It's when Senator Mitch McConnell's face shows a sense of urgency!

Hillary's book launch is next week. In it she attacks so many Democrats that the DNC has issued a warning to Democrats to stay away from her book signings. Hurricane Hillary is circling around and around and around, raining on every Democrat in sight!

Mark believes there are three political parties now: Republicans, Democrats, and the Trump party. Who is the base for each? For the first two, the base is the lobbyists and donors. Trump's base are the deplorables like you and me!

Anglican churches in England are being sold off and converted into mosques. The gay Episcopalian bishop in New Hampshire described in detail gay sex, and described it as "sacramental!"

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