Monday, October 03, 2016

"Trump will be a strong, reliable leader"

What about Trump? Bookworm writes,
Whatever else Trump may be, he’s not harried and hapless. He is, instead, a force to be reckoned with. Indeed, according to the prescient and astute Scott Adams, he’s a totally predictable and carefully calibrated force, who can always be counted upon to respond to aggression in equal measure, using neither more nor less force than is needed:

1. Person A insults Trump with words. Trump insults back with words.

2. Person B mentions some sort of scandal about Trump. Trump mentions some sort of scandal about Person B.

3. Person C endorses Trump (even if they publicly feuded before) and Trump immediately says something nice about Person C. The feud is instantly over.

See the pattern?

Consider how many times you have seen the pattern repeat with Trump. It seems endless. And consistent. Trump replies to critics with proportional force. His reaction is as predictable as night following day.


And when Trump counter-attacks, he always responds with equal measure. Words are met with words and scandal mentions are met with scandal mentions. (And maybe a few words.) But always proportionate and immediate.

Does any of that sound dangerous?

What if Trump acted this way to our allies and our adversaries? What then?

Answer: Nothing

Our allies won’t insult Trump, and they won’t publicly mention any his alleged scandals. They will respect the office of the President of the United States no matter what they think of Trump. If Trump’s past behavior predicts his future, he will get along great with allies. Our allies have been fine with every president so far, and they haven’t all been perfect humans. The worst case scenario is that Trump calls some prime minister goofy. We’ll all be used to it by then, including the prime minister in question.

But what about our adversaries? It seems that Trump will get along fine with Putin. And Trump says North Korea is China’s problem. Compare that to Hillary Clinton trying to publicly emasculate Putin (with words) while talking tough about North Korea and forcing them to act tough in response. Clinton seems like the dangerous one here.

Adams has more to say on the topic and it’s worth reading. He basically opines that Trump will be a strong, reliable leader — and doesn’t say, but implies that Hillary will be the White Queen that Politco delineates: An ineffectual, confused, self-centered, unreliable person, surrounded by hapless, incompetent lackeys.

1 comment:

Infidel de Manahatta said...

Foreign leaders respect the President? That hasn't happened in at least eight years.