Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sharpen your shiv, Donald

Chateau Heartiste warns that
Trump has to know that the foes he is battling now are not trifling betas like ¡Jeb! or Rubio or spergy try-hards like Cruz or shell-shocked cuckservatives who just can’t even. He is up against the most lethal psy ops campaign I believe we will witness in our lifetimes.

CH notes that
Cartoonist-turned-pundit Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, told Breitbart News in an interview on Sunday that the mysterious “Godzilla” of persuasion, to whom he ascribes Hillary Clinton’s polling success, is behavioral psychologist Robert Cialdini.

Robert Cialdini is an intellectual father of early Game principles that have withstood the test of time...

Trump is himself no slouch in the Game department, but he has a tendency to get mired in the thickets of interpersonal affront, and can be sloppy about message discipline. Trump needs to nail down his state control. These are the classic flaws of The Natural, btw, so I’m not surprised by their evidence in Trump whose biography provides ample evidence that he is a natural shitlord, aka the social hub alpha male who did well with the ladies from the get-go.

Trump’s strong character suits are an earthy humor and an honest, straight-shooting conversationalist style. These are big pluses that nonetheless can be easily twisted by the media hate machine into meanings completely at odds with what Trump intended to convey. We see that happening more now, as expert persuasion artists like Cialdini are beginning to inform the globalists how to effectively counter Trump’s strengths.

...Hillary herself is no threat. A sickly, black-hearted, corrupt old lady who can’t finish a sentence without lying and whose Parkinson’s has robbed her of the ability to think on her feet away from a teleprompter can be cowed into submission by a mighty Trump blow. Those puppetmasters who surround her are the real threat; notice how Hillary has faded from making news herself, as psy ops surrogates do all the bidding of Cialdini & Co. Trump’s real fight is with them; Hillary is merely their shell entity, their cipher.

Knowing this, Trump has to take the Game to them. This means more self-discipline than maybe he is comfortable undertaking. But the prize is great — the political equivalent of bedding an HB10 — and I’m confident that Trump’s love of winning beautiful women, and beautiful voters, will convince him to sharpen his shiv.
Read more here.

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