Saturday, August 15, 2015

Define "held responsible"

A retired Colonel, who is a friend of mine, writes a letter to his Congressman:

Congressman Buck, You say the EPA will be "held accountable." I will ask you, sir," to define "held accountable." As with Lois Lerner (IRS)? Hillary Clinton (Benghazi)? That phrase has become an euphemism for kicking the can down the road (another horribly overworked phrase). Exactly what does that accountability entail? Getting somebody fired? Somebody going to prison? If you mean you'll try to fine the EPA, that may be a real problem for you in Congress, as they are authorized to do their own investigation, determination and adjudication on themselves as an Agency. That's the power Congress gave them. Correct me if I'm wrong. The EPA first determines if the EPA needs to be investigated. Then the EPA does the investigation of the EPA. Then the EPA decides if the EPA is innocent (not at fault) or guilty (at fault). If the EPA finds the EPA guilty (at fault) then the EPA decides on the punishment. If that punishment entails the EPA fining he EPA, the he EPA pays the fine to the EPA. Now, that SHOULD be just a matter of the EPA transferring money to the EPA. But, it will come to the EPA being reimbursed by WE TAXPAYERS for the fine the EPA had to pay to the EPA. Just how wrong am I in this description, Congressman? Oh, and if the EPA has to pay Colorado, in this instance, do not we taxpayers across the nation pick up the tab for whatever the EPA pays to Colorado.

Exxon Valdea and British Petroleum didn't get reimbursed by the taxpayers when they had the oil spills. But the EPA will not suffer one whit for it's big blunder. See, even I use "its" instead of "their" when referring to an agency. When accountability is called for, there are suddenly no "persons" to point to. Only buildings and spokespersons for the suddenly invisible agency leadership.

We've got one pretty screwed up system since Congress turned it's responsibilities over to the EPA, the NSA, and all the other "A's" and the Directors and Czars who run them with virtual impunity.
Colonel Curtis D. Dale, PhD, USAF (Ret)

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