Friday, June 12, 2015


Does the GOP base trust its leaders in Congress? Ace if Spades writes,
We no longer trust the GOP. Yes, Mr. Ryan, the GOP will have another chance to weigh in on the TPP in its final form But we don't trust you to do the right thing then, just as we don't trust you to do the right thing now.

The GOP lies to us at every turn. They claim they're going to stop Obamacare, then they begin drawing up plans to affirmatively save the plan with subsidies should the Supreme Court strike it down.

They claim they will fight Obama like hungry dogs on immigration, then they approve it.

They claim they're against Obama's Iran deal-- then they pass a mechanism which allows the Iran deal to pass with just one third of the Senate, so that GOP Senators can vote "against" the bill while ultimately losing the vote -- thus being able to claim to their constituents "Well we tried, but goshdarnit, the other side just outvoted us with its one-third majority."

The GOP continues attempting to trick its base -- which it believes is, as the Washington Post said so long ago, is "poor, uneducated, and easily led'' -- with Failure Theater.

We don't trust you assholes. Period.

The GOP Establishment made two promises on immigration, one to the Donor Class, and one to the gullible unfortunates it tricked into voting for them.

To the Donor Class, it promised they would leave Obama's amnesty undisturbed.

To the poor, uneducated, and easily led dupes of the voting base, they promised they'd fight the amnesty with all they had.

They told the truth to the Donor Class. They lied to us.

The GOP Establishment promised the Donor Class it would make no waves on Obamacare. The GOP Establishment promised its stupid, backwards, dirt-poor racist base that it would destroy Obamacare, once and for all.

They told the truth to the Donor Class. They lied to everyone else.

Now you've come to market again with, get this, a promise you've made to the Donor Class, and, get this, a promise you've made to everyone else.

Gee, I wonder who you've told the truth to this time?

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