Compared to the general population, you are:
Average on Extroversion, indicating that you are somewhere in between a pure extrovert and a pure introvert - an "ambivert."
Average on Openness, indicating that you prefer to strike a balance between seeking out novelty and preserving the status quo.
Above average on Agreeableness, indicating that you alternate between being tenderhearted in some situations and tough-minded in others.
High on Conscientiousness, indicating that you are focused when it comes to goals and deadlines and like to complete your goals and tasks before starting new ones.
Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you are relaxed, cool under pressure, and not shy about presenting yourself or your ideas.
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I took that quiz...said I was most like Bill Clinton...not what I expected, lol!
That's hilarious! Okay, I'll admit it: said I was most like Barack Obama! Shame!
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