Saturday, June 15, 2013

Living the Love

Ann and Hope Voskamp have landed. On the ground. In Africa! To serve the God who hath made of one blood all nations of men …(Acts 17:26).

Here are Ann's words:

Today is our first day on the ground — hearts in our throats — and In His hands.

Love is always our only hope.

And hasn’t that always been the answer to every question in life? Not to only know of God’s love, not to only believe in God’s love — but to live in that love.

To experience it, the holy experience of it, to experience life with a God who is living and active and enveloping everything.

Because not only have we been given the most fantastic story of Grace to share, but the only thing worth gaining is the memory of the giving of yourself — and that will outlast time.

Go here to see the first photos of her trip.

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