Monday, May 20, 2013


Anthony Bialy writes

Don't like our apology for you attacking us? Here, have another. There are countless outrages about Benghazi including pretending the war on al-Qaeda is ended, acting as if extra security would be seen as hostile, pretending that sending help wouldn't have helped, proclaiming that a video protest got our ambassador killed, and shrugging that [bleep] happens. But the biggest frightening philosophical tip-off was when our president apologized for Islam prophet-slanders enabled by hateful elements such as Fox News and the First Amendment.

Obama won't comment on, say, Kermit Gosnell murdering the most innocent victims possible for sport and profit, but he has an opinion about which Americans can criticize which religions. If nothing else, Islamists disrespect him for his treacherous sacklessness.

Appeasement is manifested in blaming your own alleged side for failing to bow with sufficient force to reach and grasp the ankles. And all the pondering about how to change to please jerks may not quite be fruitful or prudent.

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