The Museum is located just off Colfax Avenue, which is the longest street in the USA. It begins on the high plains east of Aurora, Colorado, and goes straight as an arrow across the cities of Aurora, Denver, Lakewood, and Golden, ending in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Also located just off Colfax is the football stadium where Obama accepted the nomination of his Democrat party.
Colfax has more used car lots than any other street in America. Not all, but many, of the people who work in those used car lots use all kinds of innovative sales pitches to con people into buying cars that probably won't work, even after the buyer pays more for them than they are worth. It's the perfect venue!
According to historian Phil Goodstein, when Denver was founded in 1850 Colfax Avenue was "the artery which led miners to the motherlode of riches recently discovered in the Rockies. Unfortunately, over the years Colfax Avenue has lost much of its vibrancy, and has become known as a venue for abandoned properties, prostitution and drugs." I used to ride the 15 bus, also known as the "vomit comet," according to Mr. Goodstein, to work every day. It hauls bureaucrats down to the state capitol building, which you can see in this picture JUST BEYOND THE U.S. MINT!

I think you got this one figured out, Bob! But are there any Greek columns along the way.
BTW, I know exactly where Colfax begins out on the plains as I drive in from Kansas. It is the longest street I've ever seen.
Great analysis, Bob. It is the perfect location.
So basically everything about Obama is showmanship, as if I didn't really know that already. Spot on analysis Bob.
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