Gagdad Bob over at One Cosmos wishes we could actually try an experiment: let's divide ourselves into two Americas, one blue and one red. He says, "In Blue America they would have high taxes, a huge, intrusive federal government, marriage for any two or more people who wished to do so, socialized medicine, economically crippling Kyoto-style restrictions, government enforced racial discrimination, open borders (except into our country--to preserve the integrity of the experiment we’d have to have a big fence to keep them from escaping into our beautiful Red America), a permanent ban on vouchers to ensure the stranglehold the Teachers Union has on education, a religious test to keep people of faith out of public life, no guns, no smoking, lots of abortions, even more special rights and protections for criminals and terrorists, a ban on evil places like Walmart which provide vital goods to people of modest means at rock bottom prices, free college for everyone no matter how stupid, and a high minimum wage to suppress employment, spur inflation, and keep tax revenues down."
My wife adds that no discipline of children would be allowed, except one minute of time out for each year of the culprit's age. Whatever children wanted, they would be given. They would never be asked to do chores or any other form of work. They would continue to get an allowance until age twenty-one, even if they do not live at home.
No one would be allowed to own a pet. They could become a guardian of a pet, after taking comprehensive courses in animal rights and sensitivity training.
No one would be allowed to drive a SUV or a pick up truck, unless certified hybrid.
All points of view would be tolerated, except, of course, Christianity and Judaism. All citizens would be required to be card-carrying members of the ACLU.
I am sure we are missing many important aspects of the ideal blue America. Please add your suggestions in the comments section.
1 comment:
Have you ever read Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron"? It's a perfect example of the Blue State country.
Here's a link to that short story.
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