Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Obviously, the DC institutional swamp is very deep and very corrupt."

Former CBS News Reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who was spied upon by the Obama Administration as she reported on Fast and Furious and other Obama scandals, is getting some help from a whistleblower who has confessed to being part of the criminal activities of the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein led one of the criminal efforts. John Brennan lied about his own activities when he testified before Congress. In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance writes in part,
...Obviously, the DC institutional swamp is very deep and very corrupt. Current and former politicians and federal officials who have engaged in corrupt behavior, or who have facilitated corrupt -potentially unlawful- surveillance activity, are still working within the system to avoid exposure.

Another recent example is former Christine Blasey-Ford hoax facilitator and Andrew McCabe attorney, Michael Bromwich, being hired by corrupt Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx in an effort to protect herself from the outcome of the Jussie Smollett hoax in Chicago. Why does a Cook County, Illinois, State Attorney need to hire a DC-based lawyer?

It was obvious early on the Jussie Smollett hoax was connected to several members of the Obama team and network. Michael Bromwich is a former DOJ inspector general with ongoing direct contacts with corrupt DOJ and FBI officials inside the institutions. Chicago State Attorney Foxx hiring Bromwich is yet another example of DC managing the cover.

Whether it’s the identified weaponization of NSA databases; or whether it’s corrupt FBI officials covering for each-other and the DOJ ‘declining to prosecute’; or whether it’s current AG Bill Barr covering for the transparently corrupt former DAG Rod Rosenstein; or whether it’s the institutional need to hide DOJ scope memos which initiated a false investigation of a sitting United States President; one thing remains brutally obvious….

Read more here.

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