Wednesday, April 04, 2018

"The gauntlet has been thrown down at the feet of the GOP in Congress."

The morning report from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades:
Good morning kids. Middle of the week so let's get right to it. First up, the YouTube shooter has been identified as an Iranian woman who was a whackadoo vegan and PETA activist. Sadly, we'll never get the analysis of whether she was a white Farsi or a farce Farsi since this goes agains the daily propaganda meme and will now disappear down the memory hole faster than you can say "Isn't this really the story of George Zimmermann?"

Now on to the big story which is the migrant "caravan" reportedly still heading north through Mexico, aided and abetted by that failed state, towards the US border. The President has announced that he will send military assets to the border to prevent the crossing and is pressuring the GOP in Congress to pass laws that overturn Obama's "non-contiguous nation refugee" bullshit stipulation that would allows these invaders (oh yes indeed that is what they are; stay tuned) to remain here unmolested if they are able to cross into America. Considering the GOP is mostly owned by the Chamber of Commerce, I don't see McCriminal and Ryno doing anything but dragging their feet and dissembling.

In any case, I, and doubtless many of you, have been suggesting for months if not years for the US to deploy troops to the border to help stem the incoming human wave assault. Once caller on Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday even went so far as to suggest PDT should have the military actually cross the border into Mexico and set up a buffer zone five miles into their territory. I prefer 50 miles, but why quibble? Is that an act of war? Well, considering what's going on on both sides of the border as well as the violence and mayhem that emanates from there and reaching to all corners of the nation (something like 60% of our prisons are populated by foreigners and/or illegal aliens) I'd say war has already been declared on us.

As I alluded to earlier, this is an invasion and the latest reports are that most of the members of this "caravan" are young males of military age. Can you say European/Syrian "refugee" crisis? That insanity is fueled by none other than everyone's favorite Nazi collaborator and convicted felon George Soros and so is this one. As an aside, there has got to be a way to prosecute this fiend, strip him of his citizenship and confiscate his assets. Sadly, what he does is legal or at least has the veneer of respectability, but his aim is nothing less than the overthrow and/or destruction of the republic and the west in general. Someone's job: prove it, but I digress.

The President has every right to declare a national security state of emergency, deploy troops and seal the border shut. I bet Congress and the Democrat-Media Complex go ape shit and call it a violation of the Constitution. It may not be an armed conflict but this is tantamount to a state of war IMHO.

If Congress refuses to act, then to hell with them; as Commander-in-Chief, merely exercise your Constitutional authority and order the Pentagon to deploy troops to the southern border "for extended desert warfare training." From a political standpoint, this is the singular issue that got the President elected. He may or may not have fumbled with the Omnibus spending bill, but taking a tough stance here will cement the bond with the base and anyone who goes against him is going to suffer this November. The gauntlet has been thrown down at the feet of the GOP in Congress.

Moving along, the other big story is from the Mueller flea circus and evidently a report indicates that he does not consider PDT a criminal target. Heh, neither did Comey or McCabe when it came to Mike Flynn. Proceed with caution, Mr. President. Meanwhile, the pressure is mounting to investigate crooked Hillary and Obama. We'll see what actually happens with that. Not holding my breath.

Lastly, today marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (who was a registered Republican, by the way). I'm not going to delve into some of the man's more problematic political aspects, but more importantly, I am going to note that the ideals for which he stood run in direct contravention to the Democrat-Left and its aims. How long before he becomes a target for the Neo-Cultural Revolutionaries and his likenesses are removed from the public squares and the streets named for him re-renamed? After all, meritocracy is racist, yo. Sad. How terribly, terribly sad.
Go here to read his links.

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