Wednesday, April 04, 2018

"It's probably the only promise they'll keep."

Oregon Muse writes at Ace of Spades,
"So Laura Ingraham tweeted some innocuous criticism directed at Der Twerpenfuhrer Hogg, he sicced the left-wing left-wing mob on her, and she apologized? Really? I thought we had learned our lesson about that by now. Oh, and then she lost a bunch of corporate sponsors, anyway, so fat lot of good her groveling did her. Look, it's real simple: Never apologize. It is impossible to appease a howling mob. That's the lesson of Donald Trump. He spent his entire campaign not apologizing his way to victory. And yet the GOPe and the NeverTrumpers have apparently come to some sort of agreement, pledging to each other never to learn anything from Trump. It's probably the only promise they'll keep."

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