Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Is this what young men are thinking?

At The Woodpile Report Remus excerpted a comment posted at George Ure's Urban Surviva;l website.
Men have almost no reproductive rights. Children have almost no reproductive rights. Thus the entire future of the society is in the hands of mainly young women being economically, socially, hormonally and emotional whipsawed by a civilization that is driven by nonhuman values.

The consequences are a catastrophe.

Young men I know ... conclude family formation, or even close heterosexual relations are fools’ games. Both parties have the initial choice to mate or not. At age 21, there is not a lot of rational reflection about that ”choice”. Especially with the birth control options available, and the fudging about real world failure rates the kids are still unaware of at that age. Like 9% annual failure rate for the pill. Far worse for barrier methods. Would you drive a car that had a 9% or greater chance of an injury accident EVERY year? Of course not, but having sex is not a rational decision, most times.

Then if there’s a baby, the young man has no actual choices left, as a practical matter. ALL the choices thereafter are those of the mommy. Kill baby or not kill the baby. Put baby up for adoption, or keep baby. Stay with Daddy or dump Daddy. Marriage optional, cuz Daddy pays either way. If baby is both born alive and disabled, Mommy decides whether to adopt baby out or keep baby.

If she goes on welfare, Daddy must not live with his family, ever. Mommy decides. If she keeps baby, Daddy is on the hook for caring for baby for Daddy’s life, plus Daddy’s estate owes everything, potentially to past and future care of baby.

This makes Daddy a very poor marriage prospect for other women. Reduced income, alternate weekends and one night a week blown, plus emotional and financial ongoing costs of children not even in the home, who likely resent Step-Mommy. Mommy, on the other hand, can marry or hook up again, with a nearly guaranteed support check. And if she likes, the new man can be called and treated like Daddy. Even if Daddy dies, Social Security steps in and pays, and health insurance? Daddy. College? Probably Daddy...

What does Daddy get? Diddlysquat, mainly, plus emotional and financial Hell. Where do we sign up for this great deal? ...

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