Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Eventually finally came!

Joe Mannix writes,
This country is particularly schizoid when it comes to the topic of babies, and we have pursued two contradictory tracks in parallel. We have spent all the riches of Croesus tackling the problems of infant mortality and miscarriage. A baby with a birth defect, congenital illness, troubled pregnancy or other problems has a better shot of being delivered successfully and surviving here than anywhere else. Our medical system, for all its warts and inefficiency and expense and systemic problems, is very good at saving babies. We've brought history's most advanced technical and scientific base to bear on the problem of infant mortality. Our general attitude is that no expense is too great, no shot is too long and no effort is not worth making when it comes to improving the odds that a baby survives. Infant mortality is not a solved problem and it never will be, but no civilization has ever moved the ball further down that infinite field than we have. We should be proud of that.
And all of this is at direct odds with the hard left's position on abortion. The same culture that has spared no expense to attack prenatal and neonatal complications with such passion has also permitted - and even encouraged - the wholesale slaughter of infants through abortion policy. One element of that culture has fought tooth and nail against any restriction on abortion. It has shouted down even discussion of restrictions for nearly 50 years. After more than two generations - generations that were smaller than they should have been - their faction has finally been dealt a serious and possibly mortal blow.
Read more here:

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