Saturday, January 04, 2020

Wall Street economy versus Main Street economy

Once again today, Sundance writes in the Conservative Treehouse about the way Trump turned our Wall Street economy into a Main Street economy.
While the Federal Reserve is perplexed, the underlying reason for monetary policy to be incapable of impacting the rate of inflation is not too complex when you think about the focus of federal economic policy reversing in the era of Trump.

For 30-years +/- U.S. economic policy was geared toward Wall Street. Corporations looked to maximize profits, manufacturing was shipped overseas, jobs were lost and Main Street suffered. The Fed monetary policy followed the economic influences of a Wall Street created outcome. U.S. multinationals benefited; U.S. main street companies did not.

A Wall St. economic engine was created. The FED policy followed the new engine. The two entirely different economic engines then detached:

The Wall Street economy, an engine of sorts, is a “service-driven” economy, with manufacturing of cheap imported goods done overseas.

The Main Street economy, again another engine, is a more balanced “manufacturing” economy; with a balance of imports and finished goods produced in the USA.

Bush, Clinton-Clinton, Bush-Bush and Obama-Obama terms focused on the Wall Street economy. However, Donald Trump focuses on the Main Street economy.
Read more here.

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