Monday, December 16, 2019

In AG Barr’s modern interpretation: “it is better that one innocent man suffer than have guilty institutions be discovered.”

Sundance writes in part in the Conservative Treehouse, has seemed clear from his decisions that AG Bill Barr was focused on protecting former Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein from the consequences of his narrow-minded efforts throughout 2017 and 2018. The lack of action to declassify material related to the prosecution of Lt. General Michael Flynn seems to indicate that protecting Rosenstein is a higher priority that stopping an injustice against Flynn.

This is the state of our union in 2019.

I don’t pay attention to the distracting high-constitutional words of AG Barr, I look at his actions…. By withholding information from the public; and specifically by withholding the scope memos that authorized the investigations of 2016, 2017 and 2018; the United States Attorney General is willing to let a man hang simply to protect his institutional comrade.

With that institutional disposition clearly evident, what do you think AG Bill Barr will do when it comes to hiding evidence of institutional corruption that would clearly support President Donald Trump?

In criminal law, seminal jurist William Blackstone said: “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer.”

In AG Barr’s modern interpretation: “it is better that one innocent man suffer than have guilty institutions be discovered.”
Read more here.

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